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Right of revocation

Right of revocation

You may declare the revocation of your contractual statement in text form (e.g. letter, email) or by returning the merchandise within a period of  2 weeks. The revocation does not have to contain any grounds. We will forward this revocation instruction to you again in text form. The revocation period commences the day following the receipt of merchandise and this revocation instruction in text form. The time-limit shall be deemed to be observed by the timely dispatch of the declaration of revocation or the return shipment.

The revocation is to be addressed to:
Ronald Hoeseler-POR15 GmbH, Wilhelm-Kuhr Str 39,  D-13359 BERLIN , Fax : 0049-30-49771245

The right of revocation does not apply on contracts for the supply of goods produced according to customer specifications or clearly tailored to personal needs or which, by reason of their quality, are not suitable for return or may spoil quickly or whose expiration date would be exceeded, or for the delivery of audio or video recordings or of software where the seal on the data carriers has been broken by the consumer, or for the delivery of newspapers, periodicals and magazines.

Consequences of revocation
In case of a valid revocation, all mutually received performances as well as emoluments taken (e.g. interest), if applicable, are to be restituted by either side. If you are unable or partially unable to restitute the merchandise to us or can only restitute it in a deteriorated condition, then you have to insofar compensate for its value where applicable. This does not apply if the deterioration is exclusively due to examining the merchandise – as for instance in a retail store – or putting the merchandise to its intended use. Things that can be shipped by parcel are to be returned on our risk. Things that cannot be shipped by parcel will be picked up. You are obliged to bear the costs of the return shipment, if the merchandise delivered corresponds to the merchandise ordered, and if the price of the merchandise to be sent back does not exceed an amount of forty euros or if, where the price is higher, you have at the date of the revocation not yet rendered consideration or given a part payment. In all other cases, the return shipment for you is free of charge. All reimbursement obligations must be fulfilled within 30 days of the declaration of revocation.

End of revocation instruction


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01. Rust Preventive Paint 1 Quart (ca. 946 ml)

69,50 EUR
73,47 EUR per Liter
VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs

02. Super Starter Kit

42,50 EUR
VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs

03. Rust Preventive Paint Pints

46,50 EUR
97,89 EUR per Liter
VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs

04. Engine Enamel

46,50 EUR
97,69 EUR per Liter
VAT incl. excl. Shipping costs

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